[Wien] Asking again ~(-_-)~ ORB calculation error

Stefaan Cottenier Stefaan.Cottenier at fys.kuleuven.ac.be
Mon Aug 11 15:25:01 CEST 2003

> If however, I run "runsp_lapw 
>  -orb -i 5" from my SUN system (which has been
>  installed the latest version wien2k) then the error
>  occurs after the orb -dn step. 

Your error occurs when orb is executed for the first time (it doesn't get 
executed in your first iteration, because no density matrix seems to be 
present. If you would have done 'x lapwdm -c -so -up' before starting the 
first iteration, orb would have been executed already there and it would have 
crashed already in the first iteration).

Do 'x orb -up' from the command line, in the directory where the problem 
happend. What is the screen output? (probably segmentation fault, indicating 
that orb didn't compile well on your Sun)


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