[Wien] -ec and -cc convergence options

Florent Boucher Florent.Boucher at cnrs-imn.fr
Thu Aug 21 08:59:14 CEST 2003

Dear Victor and Steve,
the convergence test are different depending if you use -ec or -cc.
I think both of you understand well that the "-ec" test use the last 
three cycles for the test:
Diff = (|ENE(n) - ENE(n-1)| + |ENE(n) - ENE(n-2)|) / 2
and Diff and ECTEST criteria are given in the dayfile.

For the -cc it is different. Only the last :DIS(n) value is used (that 
is the average of the :DT0(n) values). The difference :DIS(n) - CCTEST 
is then calculated and if this difference is below zero the scf is 
stopped. It is this difference that is written in the dayfile (and not 
:DIS) and it is clear that the scf stop when the value becomes negative.
You can have a look in the $bin/testconv script for futher details.

| Florent BOUCHER                    |                                     |
| Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel | Mailto:Florent.Boucher at cnrs-imn.fr  |
| 2, rue de la Houssinière           | Phone: (33) 2 40 37 39 24           |
| BP 32229                           | Fax:   (33) 2 40 37 39 95           |
| 44322 NANTES CEDEX 3 (FRANCE)      | http://www.cnrs-imn.fr              |

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