[Wien] some more benchmarks

Jorissen Kevin Kevin.Jorissen at ua.ac.be
Fri Nov 14 17:37:51 CET 2003

Thanks for putting them on the webpage.  


	> * the opteron is definitely more efficient in handling two jobs at once
	That's true, but at the moment (compiler,...) it is still slow.
	The times reported for the opteron are probably not the 'optimal' times that one can achieve.  Eg., using the opteron goto library would probably speed it up some more (but is, unfortunately, not so easy as using the acml ...).  So it might actually get somewhat faster.
	Please note also that of the three times the opteron is mentioned, only the pgf90+acml is actually compiled on the opteron itself (i.e., consists of 64 bit code).  The others are 32 bit xeon executables run on the opteron.

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