[Wien] k-parallel execution

Bertoni Giovanni giovanni at cemes.fr
Tue Nov 25 18:34:08 CET 2003

Dear users,

I have a question about k-parallelization:

is it possible to do a k-parallelization on a single machine with
multiple processors?
for exemple, I try on a machine with >= 8 processors.
I have tried with the TiC example (47 k-points) in interactive mode (no
scripts or batch files...)

this is the .machine file
# .machines is the control file for parallel execution. Add lines like
#   speed:machine_name
# for each machine specifying there relative speed. For mpi
parallelization use
#   speed:machine_name:1 machine_name:1
#   lapw0:machine_name:1 machine_name:1
# further options are:
#   granularity:number (for loadbalancing on irregularly used machines)
#   residue:machine_name  (on shared memory machines)
#   extrafine         (to distribute the remaining k-points one after
the other)
# granularity sets the number of files that will be approximately
# be generated by each processor; this is used for load-balancing.
# On very homogeneous systems set number to 1
# if after distributing the k-points to the various machines residual
# k-points are left, they will be distributed to the

...very simple. and this is the TiC.dayfile

    start 	(Tue Nov 25 18:04:11 MET 2003) with lapw0 (20/20 to go)
>   lapw0 -p	(18:04:11) starting parallel lapw0 at Tue Nov 25 18:04:12 MET 2003
-------- .machine1 : 8 processors
**  lapw0 crashed!
0.0u 0.3s 0:01 24% 0+0k 10+3io 0pf+0w

>   stop error

if i don't use parallel lapw0, I have the crash in lapw1. the test was
done on a machine that has the mpirun.
please tell me.
if is not possible to do a k-parallelization on a single machine, I will
use a fine grained parallelization, and I will have another question for
you... (next time)
Thank you.

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