[Wien] StructGen: perlscripts having trouble with large constructions?

buero at luitz.at buero at luitz.at
Mon Oct 13 11:34:07 CEST 2003

On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, Michael Frotscher wrote:

> I keep getting trouble with large files and relatively complex spacegroups:
> When trying to import a cif-file or even when building my own struct-file and
> just changing the spacegroup with wien2web, the perlscripts seem to hang: I
> have several "structsave.pl" and "spacegroup"-tasks hanging around, none of
> them using much cpu-time. The struct-file remains unsaved.

Did you try to run cif2struct from the commandline? I guess that
cif2struct does not give the expected result and exit code and thus
structsafe.pl hangs and does not finish.


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