[Wien] sgroup

Jorissen Kevin Kevin.Jorissen at ua.ac.be
Mon Sep 1 10:27:57 CEST 2003

I suppose you made mistakes during installation of wien2k and w2web.
First of all, check your .cshrc or .bashrc or whatever, and make sure that all the paths point to the wien2k directories and executables.  
If you allow the two versions to interfere, you're bound to get trouble sooner or later.
If you insist on keeping the old wien97, make a separate .cshrc for it, but source the wien2k-one at login, and only use the wien97-one when you really need it.


	-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
	Van: dongwen zhang [mailto:zhangdongwen2000 at yahoo.com.cn] 
	Verzonden: zaterdag 30 augustus 2003 6:45
	Aan: wien2k
	Onderwerp: [Wien] sgroup
	Dear all,
	    I installed wien97 before and wien2k recently. When I tested wien2k by calculating one of the example case, TiC, over graphical interface w2kweb, the process  was stuck in sgroup stage and told me the usage:'~/wien97/source/x sgroup'. Then I renamed the directorty wien97 to wien98 by 'mv wien97 wien98', and everything appeared smmoth.But why it happened? Can you tell me the key to it?

	Dongwen Zhang
	National Univ. of  defense Technology
	Changsha City,410073
	Phone: +86-731-4576016
	Email: zhangdongwen2000 at yahoo.com.cn  


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