[Wien] help on input file for running LDA+U or Orbital polarization

Stefaan Cottenier Stefaan.Cottenier at fys.kuleuven.ac.be
Tue Jan 13 23:30:13 CET 2004

> The program asked for case.indmc. I'm wondering if
> case.indmc is same as case.indm, as I don't see an example for it. 
> >   lapw2 -c -up -so    (17:25:28) 9.79u 0.56s 0:11 87% 0+64k
> >   lapwdm -up  -so -c  (17:25:55) 0.09u 0.06s 0:00 17% 0+7k 8+6io

If you see a "-c" appearing after lapw2 and lapwdm, then you need 
case.indmc. This is exactly the same file as case.indm, just with 
another name.


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