[Wien] lapw0 in parallel

Stefaan Cottenier Stefaan.Cottenier at fys.kuleuven.ac.be
Fri Oct 22 11:57:45 CEST 2004

>I'm running a small linux cluster (7 computers) which is working
flawlessly. However, 1/3 of
>the time is taken in lapw0. I was therefore wondering if I should start
running lapw0 in
>parallel. Must I install MPI to do this, and is it worth it (lapw0 take 15
minutes at the
>moment). Would be nice if someone can give me instructions on how to

Yes, you need MPI for that. But the easiest work-around is: if you have
several independent jobs of this type, then start several of them
simultaneously, not on 7 but on less machines. That will decrease the
effective idle time of each machine. Ideally, if you can start 7 serial
jobs, there will be no idle time at all.


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