[Wien] WIEN2K_4.10- no orb option in run_lapw

pmodak at magnum.barc.ernet.in pmodak at magnum.barc.ernet.in
Fri Oct 29 07:40:05 CEST 2004

Dear Wien users,
                Recently I downloaded the latest version (WIEN2K_4.10)and 
expanded and compiled in a new directory. There was a mail that with this 
version it is possible to do LDA+U calculations without doing spin polarised 
calculations i.e.
                 ./run_lapw -orb is possible.
But when I am trying to run this it is saying that -orb option is not possible.
Anybody can help me?
P. Modak
HPPD, BARC, Trombay-400085


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