[Wien] pb with scratch

Benali Ben kanoun_benali at yahoo.fr
Fri Aug 5 13:09:06 CEST 2005

Dear wien users,

I have a problem when I define my scratch directory. 

I have created a directory in scr/ben/wien and I have
introduced them in my .bashrc file.  But when I run
wien2k, it's stops in lapw1, with the message : 

INILPW' - can't open unit: 10
'INILPW' -        filename: scr/ben/wien/case.vectorup
'INILPW' -          status: unknown      form:
 'LAPW1' - INILPW aborted unsuccessfully.

Otherwise when I put the directory used by default :
./ the pb is resolved. In thise case I am limited with
my space, sometime is saturated and I have to supress
all the case case.vector* to run other calculations.

Can someone show me a solution please.

sincerely yours,


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