[Wien] more on pathscale and ifort64
Stefaan Cottenier
Stefaan.Cottenier at fys.kuleuven.be
Thu Aug 11 09:20:30 CEST 2005
>I even don't know when I run
>the siteconfig_lapw, at the first step which system I
>should specify for my machine. Now my machine type is
>"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu" the compiler I have is
>pathscale with library acml (AMD core mathematic
>library) version 2.6, the scalapack is already builted
>in this library.
That first step in siteconfig doesn't matter very much, as its main
purpose is to set some predefined compiling and linking options for a
few most popular compilers and libraries. But as you use a compiler and
library which are not (yet) in this list, you have to modify these
options anyway. Just take any of the Linux options (I J L L1), and put
apropriate options for compiler and linker later.
>Could you please tell me for my system, which one I
>should specify? From the list of your tests, it seems
>that you didn't test the case with library acml, am I
No, I didn't test that one. But I think this library is available on our
system, if time permits I'll have a look at it later today.
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