AW: [Wien] Compiling wrong!

Gerhard Fecher fecher at
Thu Dec 8 10:04:04 CET 2005

My computer is off, how do I switch it on ?

Seems youre questin is not very precise.

Did you read this ?
Please follow the following "Nettiquette" (depending on your question, at least some of these points should be included in your mail):

    * I am running wien version xxx on a machine of type yyy with operating system zzz, fortran compiler aaa and math libraries bbb.
    * The purpose of my calculations is to get quantity ccc.
    * I am running this case (case.struct) using this input (here, case.in1 may be relevant? Certainly give things like XC potential, rkmax, size of k-mesh) and these commands (eg. : run_lapw -p -so from command line, or w2web).
    * The program stops at this point, or produces suspicious output here ... This is the content of the error file / the case.dayfile / STDOUT. This is the bottom of the output file (like the part of case.output1 you show below).
    * I have already tried the following things (bla bla bla) and they did or did not work, did or did not make any difference. 

You should also obey the following points:

    * Yes, I have SEARCHED the archives AND READ THE USERS GUIDE and the FAQ pages, but I couldn't solve my problem that way.
    * If suggestions from the mailing list actually solved your problem (or you solved it some other way), would you please share that with us? 

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: wien-bounces at im Auftrag von DW Liu
Gesendet: Do 08.12.2005 03:39
An: wien2k
Betreff: [Wien] Compiling wrong!
Dear everyone:
     I want to install WIEN2K_2005,  The linux i installed is "Redhat linux professional 4.0" and the compiler is "ifort". But when i compile, something is wrong. I don't know the reason ,I will appreciate your help very much!
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
DW Liu, PhD student

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