[Wien] Plane waves exhausted

Michael Gurnett michael.gurnett at kau.se
Mon Feb 7 11:47:52 CET 2005

I'm getting the following error when trying to run bandstructure

**  Error in Parallel LAPW1
**  LAPW1 STOPPED at Mon Feb 7 11:32:55 CET 2005
**  check ERROR FILES!
 'LOPW' - Plane waves exhausted
 'LOPW' - Plane waves exhausted
 'LOPW' - Plane waves exhausted
 'LOPW' - Plane waves exhausted
 'LOPW' - Plane waves exhausted
 'LOPW' - Plane waves exhausted

I'm using Xcrysden to generate the k path. What is causing this and how do I 
fix it.



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