[Wien] How to calculate the reflectivity when calculating optical properties
phedra phedra
phedra76 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 16 18:14:33 CET 2005
Dear Wien users,
I want to calculate the reflectivity. According to UG, the absorption
coefficients are given in the file case.absorp. But it seems like that the
reflectivity are not given. Although the calculated result gives the file
case.reflectivity, the value for the columns reflect_xx, reflect_yy and
reflect_zz in the case.reflectivity are all zero.
So I want to calculate the reflectivity with imaginary and real part of the
dielectric tensors myself. The imaginary parts can be found in the file
case.joint. But where can I get the real parts?
Why the labels, i.e Im_eps_xx, Im_eps_yy and Im_eps_zz, in files case.joint
and case.epsilon are the same, but the corresponding values below the
labels are not equal to each other for the two different files? There occur
the same things for the columns Re_sigma_xx, Re_sigma_yy and Re_sigma_zz in
different files case.sigmark and case.absorp.
Sorry for my little knowledge about optical theory.
Look forward to reply. Thanks in advance.
Best regards
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