[Wien] init_elast

Saeid Jalali s_jalali_a at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 27 17:01:58 CEST 2005

We have found another straightforward solution for the following reported problem. It will be fix if we copy genetempl to the WIENROOT directory from SRC_elast (and then do chmod a+rwx genetempl for sure to allow permission).
Thus this solution shows that this is not indeed a bug in init_last or genetempl.

Saeid Jalali <s_jalali_a at yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Wien2k developers,
This is to report that there is a small bug in the init_elast script of the WIEN2k_05.5, since the response to this command is as follows:
/usr/local/codes/wien2k/v05.5/pc/genetempl: Command not found.
cp: cannot stat `tetra.templ': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `rhomb.templ': No such file or directory
We could fix our problem finding the sample files from:

However, it might be better, if the appropriate files could be generated by the genetempl command.
S. Jalali

yasuharu_shiraishi at fujifilm.co.jp wrote:

Dear Reza Osaty,

Thank you ! I felt relieved !

And Sorry, I have more one question.
I want to know how to determine Emax.
I want to calculate total energy more accurate as possible as I can.
I think if I set Emax larger, I can get more number of eigen value of band,
so I think that I can get total energy more accurate.
So I now set Emax=50.0
But I also think that it is too large and band at large energy don't
influence the total energy much.
Is it strange?

Best regards.

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S. Jalali.
Saeid Jalali Asadabadi,
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S. Jalali.
Saeid Jalali Asadabadi,
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science,
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