[Wien] lapw1 error "GTFNAM: exactly one command line argument has to be given"

anin anin1996 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 11:44:23 CEST 2005

Dear wien decelopers and users:

We are running wien2k_05 on a machine of AMD Operton 2.4GHz,64-bit with 
Turbo Linux 8.0 for AMD64 system and the pgi (64-bit ) compiler. The 
compiler progress is OK, however, when we run the scf cycle,after the lapw0, 
an error occured in the lapw1 progrss with the message :" GTFNAM: exactly 
one command line argument has to be given ". We dont know what it means and 
how to deal with this problem, can anybody give a suggestion?Thanks very 

the comlication conditions and hardware are as follows:
AMD Operton 2.4GHz, 64-bit
Turbo Linux 8.0 for AMD64
pgi (64-bit) compiler
 Recommended options for system linuxpgi are:
Compiler options -Mfreeform -fast -Kieee
Linker Flags: -L../SRC_lib
Preprocessor flags: '-DPrarllel'
R_LIB (LAPACK+BLAS): -llapack_lapw -lblas
 Current settings:
O Compiler options: -tp=k8-64 -fast -Mfreeform -Mcache_align
L Linker Flags: -L/home/user/sjtusmlt/.pgi/linux86-64/5.2/libso 
P Preprocessor flags '-DParallel'
R R_LIB (LAPACK+BLAS): -lacml -lpthread -lm -lg2c -lpgc
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