[Wien] Default-Nice-Value of lapw-tasks?

buero at luitz.at buero at luitz.at
Tue Mar 22 14:42:33 CET 2005

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, Michael Frotscher wrote:

> is there an easy way to run the lapw-processes with a set nice value? I 
> would guess that in the end w2web forks those processes, so it might be 
> a good idea to pass the nice-value there.
> Has anyone done that before?

In w2web do to "Configuration" -> "user config", and in the field 
"Execution types" you define something like

very_nice=nice -10 %f

"Save these values" and from then on when execution you can select this 
execution type for SCF and single program execution.

If you want to mess with x_lapw, I would suggest you modify the line
set t = time
set t = "time nice -10"

All the best to the "Tor der Welt"

luitz.at | interfacing art, science and technology

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