[Wien] How to use the w2web?

Yamiel Abreu Alfonso yabreu at ceaden.edu.cu
Fri May 13 18:59:52 CEST 2005

Hello wien2k users:   
I am a new Wien2k user,  that's why I don't have a lot of experience using 
it. The installation of the wien2k package and the w2web configuration were 
successful. The w2web server run well, but I cannot connect myself to the 
w2web sever. Then, my question is the following, is it possible to be 
connected to the w2web being working in the same machine where it is 
executed or is it necessary to be connected from another machine?. Because 
when I use the Netscape and send him to look for the address 
http://xxx.xxx.xxx:7890, it responds that the page was not found. I have not 
proven to connect to the w2web server from another PC because I am running 
it in my home PC.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards

Yamiel Abreu Alfonso                                
Laboratorio de Daño Radiacional.                    
Departamento de Física.                             
Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnológicas                 
y Desarrollo Nuclear(CEADEN).                       
Calle 30 No.502 e/ 5ta. Ave. y 7ma. Miramar,         
Playa, Ciudad Habana, Cuba, P.O.Box: 6122.               
e-mail: yabreu at ceaden.edu.cu                        
Tel: (537)2066109                                   
Fax: (537)2021518                                   
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