[Wien] Compilation options for Intel EM64T

Juan José Torres jjt_6803 at yahoo.com.mx
Thu Nov 3 20:53:17 CET 2005

Dear WIEN users,

I have installed the package (WIEN2k_5.6) on a PIV 3.6
GHz EM64T (MB: D925XECV2) with 2 Gb RAM, ifort 9.0 and
mkl 7.2 with the options

Current settings:
O Compiler options: -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad
                    -ip -DINTEL_VML
L Linker Flags:-L/opt/intel/mkl72/lib/em64t -Vaxlib
               -static-libcxa -pthread
P Preprocessor flags: '-DParallel'
R R_LIB (LAPACK+BLAS): -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_em64t      

the benchmark time is 319 sec.

Do you know which the best options are to optimize the
WIEN code ?


JJ Torres

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