[Wien] Benchmark on Laptop with Pentium M 760

Gerhard H Fecher fecher at uni-mainz.de
Tue Nov 29 16:13:39 CET 2005

For all who travel,
I was wondering how fast those Intel mobile CPUs are. I am travelling a lot 
and sometimes I am doing some calculations to keep my Notebook busy.
Here are the results compared to an about 3 years old desktop computer.
As expected, the P-M consumes less power, but is slower and even slower  than 
expected from the clock speed ratio (2.8/2 = 1.4). Results are below.
(Did someone make tests with AMD processors (mobile, X2) ?)

Dear, Enrico or Michael, did you use the standard or any smp Kernel when you 
observed that HT slows down the 640 ? (in \var\log\boot.msg you will find the 
actual kernel number)


System for LAPTOP Test
Operating System: SUSE Linux 9.3 (kernel 2.6.11-21.9-default)
Computer: Laptop IBM T43 (2005)
CPU:      Intel Pentium Mobile: P-M 760 (2.0GHz, 2MB L2)
Memory:   1 Gbyte
Compiler/Library: Intel ifort 9.0.021, mkl 8.0.019
Compiler and Linker Options:
FOPT:     -FR -w -mp1 -prec_div -pad -ip -xB
LDFLAGS:  -L/opt/intel/fc90/lib -i-static -lguide -lguide_stats -lsvml
R_LIBS:   -L/opt/intel/mkl80/lib/32 -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_ia32 -lguide 

Laptop-Result for full clock speed (no powersave etc):
       NUMBER OF K-POINTS:           1
   ===> TOTAL CPU       TIME:    447.8 (INIT =      2.2 + K-POINTS =    445.6)
   > SUM OF WALL CLOCK TIMES:    453.2 (INIT =      2.8 + K-POINTS =    450.4)
      Maximum WALL clock time:    453.594756841660     
      Maximum CPU time:           447.910000000000     

System for DESKTOP Test
Operating System: SUSE Linux 9.2 (multiprocessor kernel 2.6.8-24.18-smp)
Computer: Dell (2003)
CPU:      Intel Pentium IV: P-IV (2.8GHz, 512kB L2, HT)
Memory:   1.48 Gbyte
Compiler/Library: Intel ifort 9.0.021, mkl 8.0.019
Compiler and Linker Options:
FOPT:     -FR -w -mp1 -prec_div -pad -ip -xN
LDFLAGS:  -L/opt/intel/fc90/lib -i-static -lguide -lguide_stats -lsvml
R_LIBS:   -L/opt/intel/mkl80/lib/32 -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_ia32 -lguide 

       NUMBER OF K-POINTS:           1
   ===> TOTAL CPU       TIME:    247.3 (INIT =      1.9 + K-POINTS =    245.4)
   > SUM OF WALL CLOCK TIMES:    250.5 (INIT =      2.3 + K-POINTS =    248.2)
      Maximum WALL clock time:    250.995240926743     
      Maximum CPU time:           247.420000000000 

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