[Wien] Intel EMT64 OT

Peter Blaha pblaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Wed Sep 7 10:21:31 CEST 2005

Yes, if you install a 64 bit Linux and a 64bit compiler (ifort 9.0) it can
deal with larger matrices.
However, do you have more than 2 Gb memory ? Your diagonalization will be
arbitrary slow when you run out of RAM and use the swap-space on disk

Besides this, we found that surprisingly 2 WIEN jobs (on one cpu) can "gain"
some time; i.e. while one job runs eg. 1h, 2 jobs in (k-)parallel do not
need 2h, but some 10-20 % less !!??

(PS: we do not see this on our "old" 2.6 GHz P4)

> Sorry if the post was off topic, but I've been thinking about the new intel P IV EMT64 processor. Has anyone run Wien2k on it yet? If so does it run ok. Can it properly deal with large matrices and get past the usual memory limitations of the regular PIV (more than 2 Gb matrices).
> Thanks for your time
> Michael

Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-58801-15671             FAX: +43-1-58801-15698
Email: blaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.at    WWW: http://info.tuwien.ac.at/theochem/

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