[Wien] Also a symmetry problem

Franco Jona Franco.Jona at sunysb.edu
Thu Sep 29 19:28:32 CEST 2005

                              29 September 2005
Dear users,

    A recent question by Andrea Salguero on
"[Wien] Symmetry problems" prompts me to ask
the same question about a similar problem that has been
bothering me for a while.  The attached struct
file (a primitive cell derived from an almost-rhomohedral
structure) behaves the same way as described by
Salguero: in the initalization process the symmetry
program just hangs on and on ad infinitum.
Is there a way to force it to conclude?
I would prefer a solution that does not involve
changing some parameter during initialization
and restoring it before execution, but at this stage
any solution would be on interest.

    Thank you.

    Franco Jona
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