[Wien] Space group 108 I4cm

Monique Body monique.body at univ-lemans.fr
Thu Feb 16 16:52:59 CET 2006

dear Wien users,

We've got a problem with the space group 108 I4cm. When we generate the 
struct file (from a cif file or manually), half of the equivalent atomic 
positions are missing.
eg: for an atom in a 16d position, only 8 equivalent positions are 
generated. The missing positions correspond to those generated by the I 
We tried from a P1 space group, editing all the atomic positions, but the I 
lattice is still not recognized.
Does someone have any idea where our problem come from?

Best regards,

Monique Body
Laboratoire de Physique de l'Etat Condensé
Université du Maine - Avenue Olivier Messiaen
72085 Le Mans - FRANCE
monique.body at univ-lemans.fr

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