[Wien] retrieving electrostatic crystal field from case.vns?

Pavel Novak novakp at fzu.cz
Tue May 9 19:47:09 CEST 2006

Dear Alessandro,

for electrostatic contribution to the crystal field calculated by WIEN
look in the paper
phys.stat.sol (b) 198,729 (1996)

Best regards
Pavel Novak

Dr. Pavel Novak
Department of Magnetism and Superconductivity
Institute of Physics AS CR
Cukrovarnicka 10, 162 53 Praha 6, Czech Republic
tel: +420 2 20 318 532
e-mail: novakp at fzu.cz

On Tue, 9 May 2006, Alessandro Mirone wrote:

> Hello All,
>  I am trying to  get the electrostatic contribution to  crystal field
> splitting
> ( discarding the hybridization )
> As freezing the shell could not give the answer ( lcore is spherical)
> I was thinking to inspect case.vnsup/dn.
> That gives spherical harmonics contributions, so I can have already an idea
> going at the radial point that correspond to the 3d average radius, read
> the spherical harmonics coefficients, and then multiplying that by
> the factor ( containing two 3J symbols and a square root)
> that comes  from the angular integration.
> Is it right to do that?
> Then comes the most difficult part, because I would like to get a more
> precise
> idea doing a radial integral, and I was looking for the wavefunctions
> in case.corewfup/dn but the corresponding radius I dont know how to read
> them. May be in outputcup/dn?
> Can you help me?
> Thank you
>    Alessandro Mirone
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