[Wien] Error when compiling with pgf90: cannot find -llapack_lapw

Oleg Rubel oleg.rubel at Physik.Uni-Marburg.de
Wed May 24 16:17:37 CEST 2006

Dear WIEN-Users,

I have a trouble with compiling WIEN2k_v06 on Opteron using PGI compiler
and recommended compiler options. Everything goes smoothly except for
SRC_structeditor. The compiler reports the error: "cannot find
-llapack_lapw" (please see details below), though there is
liblapack_lapw.a file in SRC_lib directory and the corresponding option
-L../SRC_lib is in the linker flags.

Do you have an idea what could be the origin of the error?

Thank you in advance,
Oleg Rubel

pgf90 -o ./ncmsymmetry module.o gtfnam.o errflg.o errclr.o
outerr.o ncmsymmetry.o determinant.o euler.o inversa.o make_s
truct_klist.o test_symetry.o def_Ylm_rot_mat.o def_spin_rot_mat.o
make_point_groups.o make_lm_list.o fix_nonmagatom.o la pack.o
fix_rotloc.o fiteta.o symop.o class.o dirdeh.o kurki.o lmsort.o
matrot.o dirdef.o lapack2.o symgen.o  order_symop er.o pglsym.o
put.o matinv.o ludcmp.o lubksb.o -L../SRC_lib -llapack_lapw -lblas
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llapack_lapw make[1]: *** [ncmsymmetry]
Error 2

SYSTEM:  Debian GNU/Linux x86_64
PROCESSOR: Dual Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 270
COMPILER: pgf90 6.1-1 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux
     O   Compiler options:        -Mfreeform -fast -Kieee
     L   Linker Flags:            -L../SRC_lib
     P   Preprocessor flags       '-DParallel'
     R   R_LIB (LAPACK+BLAS):     -llapack_lapw -lblas

../SRC_lib> ls -l
-rw-r--r--  1 rubel rubel     133 May 24 14:43 README
drwxr-xr-x  2 rubel rubel     100 May 24 15:08 blas_lapw
-rw-r--r--  1 rubel rubel     110 May 24 15:16 compile.msg
drwxr-xr-x  2 rubel rubel    4096 May 24 15:08 lapack_lapw
-rw-r--r--  1 rubel rubel 4258694 May 24 14:43 libatlas_athlon.a
lrwxrwxrwx  1 rubel rubel      17 May 24 14:43 libatlas_blas.a -> libatlas_athlon.a
-rw-r--r--  1 rubel rubel 4264252 May 24 14:43 libatlas_pII.a
-rw-r--r--  1 rubel rubel  300622 May 24 15:08 libblas_lapw.a
-rw-r--r--  1 rubel rubel  465458 May 24 15:08 liblapack_lapw.a
-rw-r--r--  1 rubel rubel    1143 May 24 14:43 xerbla.f
-rw-r--r--  1 rubel rubel    1264 May 24 14:43 xerbla.o

../SRC_lib> tail lapack_lapw/compile.msg
a - dsbtrd.o
a - dlargv.o
a - dlartv.o
a - dlar2v.o
a - dsyev.o
a - dlapy3.o
ranlib ../liblapack_lapw.a
rm lapack_lapw1.o lapack_lapw1_2k.o ztrtri.o ztrti2.o zhpev.o zhpevx.o
zladiv.o zlazro.o dlapy2.o dsbtrd.o dlargv.o
dlartv.o dlar2v.o dsyev.o dlapy3.o

Library '../liblapack_lapw.a' is up-to-date now.

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