[Wien] nfs problem

B. Yanchitsky yan at im.imag.kiev.ua
Wed May 31 16:10:39 CEST 2006

Dear wien users,

I'm sorry, this is not a wien problem.
I'm having a directory exported from Slackware 10.2 linux box and mounted on a SUSE 10.0 x86_64 node.
The problem is that a large file (~500Mb) on SUSE box is not copied correctly from SUSE local
directory into nfs mounted directory. This is a stable feature, but all copies
of the file are different. My problem is that i have been failed to figure out where is source
of the problem, at least is that a Slackware or SUSE problem?

The slackware kernel is 2.4.31
The suse kernel is 2.6.13-15.8-smp

If anybody has suggestions for this problem, please, help me.


Bogdan Yanchitsky
Institute of Magnetism
Vernadsky Blvd., 36-b
03142  Kiev

Tel. (+380-44) 444 34 20
Fax. (+380-44) 444 10 20

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