[Wien] PBS script for scratch directory

jadhikari@clarku.edu jadhikari at clarku.edu
Sun Nov 12 22:08:51 CET 2006

Dear WIEN users,

It has been mentioned many times about the scratch directory before in the
discussion board. Still I cannot solve the problem. It seems there is
something wrong with the PBS script. The syntax is not ok. We tried
various alternatives only to result in a failure. We will be very grateful
for your help.
Thanking you.

Subin Adhikari
Clark University
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1:non-myrinet
#PBS -j oe

cd /home/lsmith/11-06-06/tio1

export TMPDIR
mkdir $TMPDIR

cp -r /home/lsmith/11-06-06/tio1 $TMPDIR

rm -f .machines
awk '{print "1:"$1}' $PBS_NODEFILE >; .machines
echo "granularity:1" >;>; .machines
echo "extrafine:1">;>;.machines


cp -r /$TMPDIR/home/lsmith/11-06-06/tio1 /home/lsmith/11-06-06/tio1
cd ..
rm -rf $TMPDIR
mkdir: cannot create directory `/scratch//var/spool/PBS/aux/7928.master':
No such file or directory
cp: cannot create directory `/scratch//var/spool/PBS/aux/7928.master': No
such file or directory
/var/spool/PBS/mom_priv/jobs/7928.master.SC: line 14: cd:
//scratch//var/spool/PBS/aux/7928.master: No such file or directory
/scratch//var/spool/PBS/aux/7928.master/sh.wVkByx: No such file or directory.
cp: cannot stat
`//scratch//var/spool/PBS/aux/7928.master/home/lsmith/11-06-06/tio1/*': No
such file or directory

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