[Wien] Past end error in lapw2

Shu Miao shu at caltech.edu
Thu Sep 14 01:33:33 CEST 2006

Dear Wien users
The scf of my job converged well in parallel. It involved spin-orbit
option but no spin polarization. To plot the DOS, I executed x lapw2 -p
-c -qtl. Then got the following message.
PGFIO-F-219/unformatted read/unit=10/attempt to read/write past end of
 File name = ./lfpso.vector_1    unformatted, sequential access   record =
 In source file read_vec_tmp_.F, at line number 96
I could not read the file lfpso.vector_1. It was random code.
Can anyone tell what happened? How do solve it?

Shu Miao

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