[Wien] Installation on Intel Mac

Stefaan Cottenier Stefaan.Cottenier at fys.kuleuven.be
Fri Jul 20 10:59:04 CEST 2007

I agree withthe analysis of Masao Arai, and you can see it from this output:

>matl-hci-d185:~/TiC/TiC_3 asharvey$ echo $WIENROOT
>matl-hci-d185:~/TiC/TiC_3 asharvey$ which x_lapw
>matl-hci-d185:~/TiC/TiC_3 asharvey$ which x
Your wien executables are in applications/wien2k, if you execute the 
x_lapw command it correctly locates it there, but if you execute x, it 
goes the /usr/... directory to pick up the X command there.

I've no mac experience, but perhaps you can try to put $WIENROOT earlier 
in your PATH variable than /usr? (which might trigger problems if later 
you want to use X ...)


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