[Wien] Compilation errors with Intel ifort and mkl
Pablo de la Mora
delamora at servidor.unam.mx
Tue Apr 8 00:02:40 CEST 2008
I am trying to compile the WIEN2k 8.1
I have a Athlon 64 x2 with Fedora
I am using the Intel 'ifort' (10.1.013) and 'mkl' (9.1.023 and, I tried both).
I made the usual compiling options
O Compiler options: -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip
L Linker Flags: $(FOPT) -L/opt/intel/mkl/9.1.023/lib/em64t
P Preprocessor flags '-DParallel'
R R_LIB (LAPACK+BLAS): -lmkl_lapack64 -lmkl_em64t -lguide -lvml
I also tried:
R R_LIB (LAPACK+BLAS): -lmkl_lapack64 -lmkl_em64t -lguide -lvml
-pthread -Bstatic -Bdynamic
and I find 'undefined references' in:
'aim': dsyev
lapw1: dlarnv, dlarf, dlap2, dstein... and many more
lapw2: dsyef
lapwso: zpotrf, ztritri, zpptri, tlacgv... and many more
mini: dgeqrf, dorgqr
pairhess: dsyev
for example in lapwso:
hmsec.o: In function `hmsec_':hmsec.f:(.text+0x37e4): referencia a
`zpotrf_' sin definir
:hmsec.f:(.text+0x3ae2): referencia a `ztrtri_' sin definir
lap_bp.o: In function `zphtrf_':lap_bp.f:(.text+0x98c): referencia a
`zpptrf_' sin definir
lap_bp.o: In function `zphtr4_':lap_bp.f:(.text+0xc40): referencia a
`zpotrf_' sin definir
:lap_bp.f:(.text+0xf7c): referencia a `zpotrf_' sin definir
:lap_bp.f:(.text+0x1bc6): referencia a `zpptrf_' sin definir
lap_bp.o: In function `zhhtrd_':lap_bp.f:(.text+0x2095): referencia a
`zhptrd_' sin definir
lap_bp.o: In function `zlatd4_':lap_bp.f:(.text+0x3a62): referencia a
`zlacgv_' sin definir
:lap_bp.f:(.text+0x3b3c): referencia a `zlacgv_' sin definir
:lap_bp.f:(.text+0x3b7e): referencia a `zlacgv_' sin definir
:lap_bp.f:(.text+0x3c20): referencia a `zlacgv_' sin definir
:lap_bp.f:(.text+0x3caa): referencia a `zlarfg_' sin definir
I know that some of these undifined references are from LAPACK
Any ideas anyone?
Pablo de la Mora
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