[Wien] plotting not possible

Peter Blaha pblaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Dec 4 08:40:24 CET 2008

The dosplotting is done by an external program gnuplot.
I'd expect you do not have it (or an old version).
It has NOTHING to do with the WIEN2k compilation,....
(The bandstructure task uses fortran code to produce a postscript file, 
which will be displaced using the ghostview/ghostscript utility. But 
this seems to work.

Try to plot from in a xterm-window using the command "dosplot"

Dr.R.K.Thapa schrieb:
> Dear Prof. Peter/WIEN2k users
> I have  installed the ifc 9.1.036 and mkl 9.1.023 in my dual core systems. I could proceed with all the tasks(default) on TiC. But I was not able to plot for El.Den. and DOS, it always gives the messages you are in rho plot mode but without the graphs plotted. However, when I  plotted  for bandstructres, it did the plotting exactly as found in UG for TiC. The TiC.vector file also is there.
> Can you please help me?
> Thanks
> Dr.R.K.Thapa
> Mizoram University
> Aizawl INDIA
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