[Wien] Quad Core Benchmark

Laurence Marks L-marks at northwestern.edu
Mon Jan 7 01:32:12 CET 2008

Minor format correction (for clarity)

Xeon X3210 2.13GHz Quad Core (2x2Duo Core)
ifort 10.1.008 cmkl
FOPT =  -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -xT
-mtune=core2 -O3 -thread -fminshared
LDFLAGS = $(FOPT) -L/opt/intel/mkl/ -static
R_LIBS = -lmkl_lapack -lguide -pthread

1 Job  1 Thread            140 Secs
2 Jobs 1 Thread Each   150 Secs Each
1 Job   2 Threads           88 Secs
2 Jobs 2 Threads Each  112 Secs Each
4 Jobs 1 Thread Each    228 Secs Each

MPI Performance
Times only (Note: CPU Times for 2 Threads are not correct, they are a
sum over threads)
1 MPI, 1 Node, 1 Thread     1423 Secs HAMILT (CPU )  =   223.0, HNS
=174.1, DIAG =  1021.4
1 MPI, 1 Node, 2 Threads   1038 Secs HAMILT (CPU )  =   385.4, HNS
=194.3, DIAG =  1430.8
2 MPI, 1 Node, 1 Thread     1242 Secs HAMILT (WALL) =   120.3, HNS
=129.8, DIAG =   988.4
2 MPI, 1 Node, 2 Threads   1105 Secs HAMILT (WALL) =   130.6, HNS
=112.1, DIAG =   859.5
4 MPI, 1 Node, 1 Thread     1175 Secs HAMILT (WALL) =    80.1, HNS
=116.8, DIAG =   977.9

1) Intel has introduced a host of new environmental parameters so it
might be better to do better than this with the "right" options, but
probably not by much.
2) Even though OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 or 2 the documentation indicates that
this may not be honored.
3) 1 Job with 4 Threads is unstable. At best perhaps 80 seconds, at
worse it crashes.


Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
MSE Rm 2036 Cook Hall
2220 N Campus Drive
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Tel: (847) 491-3996 Fax: (847) 491-7820
email: L-marks at northwestern dot edu
Web: www.numis.northwestern.edu
Commission on Electron Diffraction of IUCR

Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
MSE Rm 2036 Cook Hall
2220 N Campus Drive
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Tel: (847) 491-3996 Fax: (847) 491-7820
email: L-marks at northwestern dot edu
Web: www.numis.northwestern.edu
Commission on Electron Diffraction of IUCR

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