[Wien] Very elemental questions...
Philippe Moreau
Philippe.Moreau at cnrs-imn.fr
Wed Mar 5 10:24:03 CET 2008
Jiri Bursik a écrit :
> Dear Florent,
> the question was not that simple: Gerhard didn't propose having BOTH
> left<-->right exchanged AND up<-->down exchanged. You can really see
> EITHER left<-->right exchange OR up<-->down exchange in the mirror. It's
> the matter of taste. Man is mostly vertical standing in front of the
> mirror, that's probably why he/she tends to prefer automatically think
> about left<-->right exchange. (Or has it more to do with position of
> eyes? Or has it more to do with fixed floor and easier rotation than
> turning upside down?)
seems to me that it is a matter of definition. You say that your
right/left hand are exchange because when you look at the image in th
mirror the left hand is situated on the left of your virtual body. This
hand being on the your right hand side in the real you...
Now , for your head: if you define your head as the thing on the left
hand side of your heart (when you look at your heart sitting on the
middle of your chest). Then, in the mirror, your head is at your feet.
Thank God for that...
Dr. Philippe MOREAU
Maître de Conférences à l'Université de Nantes
Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel
Equipe: Stockage et transformations électrochimiques de l'énergie (ST2E)
2, rue de la Houssinière
B.P. 32229
44322 NANTES Cedex 3
Tel. +33 (0)2 40 37 64 14
Fax +33 (0)2 40 37 39 95
Personal webpage http://www.cnrs-imn.fr/Perso/PMoreau/index.htm
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