[Wien] gnuplot :rho1 & :rho2

Tomas Kana kana at seznam.cz
Fri Nov 7 14:31:40 CET 2008

Dear Long-Hua Li,
 If you think that GNUplot spares your time, you can use it.
 I try to give three advices (or how-to):
 Firstly, if you want line types solid, dashed and point, you should 
 use  postscript monochrome output in gnuplot
  plot sin(x)  #   example of some plot 
 set terminal postscript eps  enhanced monochrome 
 set output "myFile.ps" 

 For more info about postscript output type 
$ gnuplot 
gnuplot> help set terminal postscript 
gnuplot> help style 
 for  the types of lines: I think only postscript monochrome output 
 gives the desired dashed and dotted lines, see what line type 
 you should use.

2) gnuplot usually plots 3D graphs  using  data file that 
 contains three columns:  (x, y and z values).
 The parts of data corresponding to different x-values are separated
by blank lines.
 See more at  gnuplot tips: not so frequently asked questions
 at http://t16web.lanl.gov/Kawano/gnuplot/index-e.html
 especially the part  about three dimensional plot
  There you can find, how to plot  particular contours to a table
 and then how to plot particular contours (with different line style).

3)  The file :rho1 contains only one column of data separated by 
blank lines. This might be somewhat cumbersome for you 
(at least for me it was).
 gnuplot understands  the only one column in the file  as z-column and plots it.
 The missing  x-values and y-values are supplemented automatically as integers.
 Maybe  you will want to change the file :rho1. 
 The commands in :rho2 like 
 set contours base 
 set view 0,0 
 splot ....# means surface plot  or
 replot ....
 are straightforward.
size r  0.89  # or some number  gives the ratio of height and width of the plot
 .... I wish you good luck and a lot of fun with gnuplot 

Dear Blaha and wien2k users,

I found the difference desity could be plot by gnuplot using the date :rho1 and
the script :rho2. but I am not clear to plot the density with three types lines
(solid if :rho1>0; dashed $<0 and point $=0). I remember one paper (PRB
42,2051,1990 by Blaha) has been solved this problem. An example is the best. 

Thank you very much!
Long-Hua Li

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