[Wien] Boltztrap software

hossien rahnama h_rahnamay at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 22 10:08:10 CET 2008

Dear wien2k users and Prof. G.Madsen,
I have a question about chemical potential on your Boltztrap software.
We are willing to calculate the Seebeck coefficient of In2O3 as function of temperature. The Boltztrap software list the Seebeck coefficient as function of chemical energy and temperature. I wonder may ask if I want to plot the Seebeck coefficient only as function of temperature at constant chemical potential, then which chemical potential may I choose as there are many of them.
Best wishes,Rahnama 

Hossein Asghar Rahnamaye Aliabad(PH.D Student)
Electroceramic and Material Laboratory
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
Phone: +98 511 8644047
Web: www.um.ac.ir
Email: ho_ra71 at stu-mail.um.ac.ir, h_rahnamay at yahoo.com

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