[Wien] parallel lapwso and lapw2 crash

Scott Beardsley scott at cse.ucdavis.edu
Wed Nov 26 19:45:31 CET 2008

Is there a way to parallelize lapwso? When I run "runsp_lapw" with the 
-so option I see the following in my dayfile:

 >   lapwso -up -c -orb -p	(10:29:13) running LAPWSO in parallel mode
       compute-0-7 651.942u 5.570s 10:59.38 99.7% 0+0k 0+0io 1pf+0w
    Summary of lapwsopara:
    compute-0-7	 user=651.942	 wallclock=659.38

But it only runs one process (and lapwso isn't linked to the mpi 

Also, right after this step lapw2 crashes:

 >   lapw2 -c -up -so -p 	(10:40:15) running LAPW2 in parallel mode
**  LAPW2 crashed!
1.490u 0.288s 1:48.05 1.6%	0+0k 0+0io 1pf+0w
error: command   /share/apps/wien-2k_08/lapw2cpara -up -c -so 
uplapw2.def   failed

 >   stop error

Any ideas?


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