[Wien] Why ONLY bandstructure can give theimage? --Howto create the link between wien2k and gnuplot?

Donghui Guo dhguo at cat.hokudai.ac.jp
Wed Sep 24 03:16:46 CEST 2008

Dear Prof. Fecher,

Thank you for your guidance. 
If I can find the solution, I will announce here. 
Thank you.

Best regards, 

Donghui Guo

======= At 2008-09-22, 16:06:31 you wrote: =======

>next possibillity is that some library that is needed to convert the graphics files is missing or not accesible
>to gnuplot or w2web.
>The reason that one plot works but not the other is:
>the spaghetti plot uses jpg as intermediate graphics and converts it to ps
>the dosplot (for example, others too) uses png as intermediate file format (you will find a file dos1: or similar
>that tells how to plot the dos and that contains something like I gave below.)
>I have the same problem with just one computer, it is just the one where I did not do the Linux installation,
>therfore I do not know what is the difference to all other computers I use.
>I guess, that the SUSE was installed without a complete graphical subsystem, for some reasons the
>needed library might be available only if one is selecting it by hand (for example I need very often the libtiff and other libraries
>for program development and therefore install a lot of things that do not come with standart installation)
>or if some KDE programm is installed for strange reasons.
>I will let you know when I found out which one it is,
>or maybe someone else knows it already.
>set terminal png
>set output "/home/fecher/.w2web/dumbledore/tmp/351231-31188.png"
>set multiplot
>set data style lines
>set xzeroaxis
>set xrange [-16:12]
>set yrange [0:7]
>set xlabel "Energy (eV)"
>set ylabel "DOS(States/eV)"
>plot  ":dos11" using 1:2 title " total DOS"  w l lt 1 lw 2
>replot  ":dos21" using 1:3 title "Co tot"  w l lt 2 lw 4
>replot  ":dos31" using 1:4 title "Ti tot"  w l lt 3 lw 4
>replot  ":dos41" using 1:5 title "Al tot"  w l lt 4 lw 4
>replot  ":dos3"  using 1:2 notitle w l lt 0 lw 2
>replot  ":dos4"  using 1:2 notitle w l lt 1 lw 2
>unset multiplot
>set terminal postscript landscape color "Helvetica" 24
>set output "/home/fecher/.w2web/dumbledore/tmp/351231-31188.ps"
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Donghui Guo 
Catalysis Research Center (CRC)
Hokkaido University
21-10 Kita, Sapporo 001-0021
dhguo at cat.hokudai.ac.jp
TEL: +81-11-706 9114 (office)

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