[Wien] [Wien2k Users] ENE Warning

Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA ssghosh at igcar.gov.in
Wed Dec 16 14:33:16 CET 2009

Dear Wien2k Users 

My scf cycle has converged with 322 k-points. I had kept Emax at 2.5 and
also varied rkmax from 7.0 to 9.50 
The total energy changed from -56165.937 to -56165.959
However the case.scf file shows the following message at the end 

ENE: *Warning ** Total energy in Ry: -56165.959
I would like to ask if this Warning is by default or there is some error in
the calculations. There does not seem to any change in the total energy
Do I have to see other values like Fermi Energy etc....
Why there is a warning message?

Thanks in advance 
Suddhasattwa Ghosh 

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