[Wien] hardware for wien2k

Anne-Christine Uldry anne-christine.uldry at psi.ch
Tue Jun 30 15:53:23 CEST 2009

Dear Wien2k community,

My group is considering buying some hardware that would be dedicated 
mostly to running Wien2k as efficiently as possible. We are working on 
iron-based magnetic systems. Typically, we would like to look at say 128 
atoms supercells. Our computer officer suggested buying 5 blades with each 
2 quadcore 2.5GHz Intel E5540 CPUs and 24 GB of RAM (gigabit 
interconnet...infiniband might be added later, but I think I will stick 
to k-point parallelisation only). So that would give us 40 cores with 3GB 
of memory per core. Does this sound like a sensible choice for the type 
and size of system we want to look at ?

Kind regards
Anne-Christine Uldry

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