[Wien] using suspend/resume schdeuler policy with WIEN2k para

Florent Boucher Florent.Boucher at cnrs-imn.fr
Wed Mar 4 15:48:26 CET 2009

Dear Wien users,
I would like to know if somebody already succeed in managing 
suspend/resume policies that can be used on PBS, SGE or LSF with the 
parallel version of WIEN2k.
The problem I have actually is that using either rsh or ssh for remote 
task, the suspend command (SIGTSTP) that is sent on the parent process 
by the scheduler, is not forwarded towards the child processes. So, you 
think that your job is suspended but it is not...

Does anybody have a solution or an alternative ?
With LSF it works if one use 'lsrun -m' instead of ssh/rssh but the 
scheduler I have to work with at the moment are SGE and PBS.

| Florent BOUCHER                    |                                    |
| Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel | Mailto:Florent.Boucher at cnrs-imn.fr |
| 2, rue de la Houssinière           | Phone: (33) 2 40 37 39 24          |
| BP 32229                           | Fax:   (33) 2 40 37 39 95          |
| 44322 NANTES CEDEX 3 (FRANCE)      | http://www.cnrs-imn.fr             |

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