[Wien] Reference energy for eigenvalues

Oleg Rubel oleg.rubel at physik.uni-marburg.de
Mon Mar 16 23:41:53 CET 2009

Dear Wien2k Community,

I need to compare eigenvalues calculated with Wien2k for different  
compounds. I found a number of discussions in the mail-list regarding  
the issue of the reference energy. They all concur that the reference  
energy is an average potential in the interstitial region. In one of  
the postings  
Peter Blaha suggests UST0 returned by
be the value of the potential in the interstitial region (if I  
understand it correctly).

I wander what are the units of UST0? It seems that UST0 is  
proportional to the volume of the unit cell. In GaAs I found:
UST0 = 231.58 (UNIT CELL VOLUME =     298.59750)
UST0 = 926.31 (UNIT CELL VOLUME =    1194.38998)
corresponding to 2-atom and 8-atom basis. Obviously, in case of the  
average potential, it should not change at all for the same compound.  
Nevertheless, eigenvalues of 3d electrons are -2.30 and -0.73 Ry in  
both cases.

An isolated "As" has the eigenvalue of 3d electrons at -2.95 Ry. I  
would expect the difference between -2.30 and -2.95 Ry to be mainly  
due to the change of the reference energy. But how to bring  
eigenvalues to the same scale?

Please help!

Thank you in advance,

Oleg Rubel

Oleg Rubel, Ph.D.
Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute
290 Munro St
Thunder Bay, Ontario
E-mail: Oleg.Rubel at physik.uni-marburg.de
Homepage: http://www.staff.uni-marburg.de/~rubel/

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