[Wien] Question about MPI parallelization

Kyoo Kim kyoo at physics.rutgers.edu
Fri Sep 25 05:23:04 CEST 2009

Dear All, 

We are trying to calculate a big system with more than 200 atoms with MPI parallelization and we started with RKmax=3.5~4.

GGA potential is used and it is magnetic system without inversion.

We had MPI errors and have been tried to resolve this issue already a couple of weeks and still have not resolved the problems.


We have the following setup.



i)       Hardware Xeon 5400 Series  with Gigabit connection and 1-3 GB of memory per core 

ii)     Opterons dual core  Processor 8214 connected via Infiniband


2)  Latest WIEN2K downloaded from the Wien2k website.

    Software: OS == SuSE 10.2

    Compilers: Intel 9.1 & Intel 10.1 

    Libraries: MKL 9.0 & 10.2 

                   BLACS & SCALAPACK for MKL 9.0 compiled separately and taken from intel MKL package for MKL 10.1

                   FFTW 2 & 3

                   Mpich 1.2.6 we have but not tested yet mpich2, opterons have mvapich 0.9.9  




And test results are:

>>> first we compiled MKL 9.0 + Intel fortran 9.0 + BLACS+SCALAPACK +FFTW2&3

+MPICH1    on XEON machines,

  And MKL 9.0 + Intel fortran 9.0 + BLACS+SCALAPACK

+FFTW2&3 + MVAPICH on OPTERON machines

Both gave us similar results:


LAPW0 was OK every time.


LAPW1 gives us the following problems:


8 - <NO ERROR MESSAGE> : Could not convert index 101833776 into a pointer 

The index may be an incorrect argument.

Possible sources of this problem are a missing "include 'mpif.h'", 

a misspelled MPI object (e.g., MPI_COM_WORLD instead of MPI_COMM_WORLD) 

or a misspelled user variable for an MPI object (e.g., com instead of comm).

[8] [] Aborting Program!




OUTPUT from dayfile is :


Calculating mag in /mnt/parallel/30109udo/mag on n109 with PID 27390


    start       (Wed Sep 23 23:34:30 EDT 2009) with lapw0 (40/99 to go)


>   lapw1  -c -up -p    (23:39:26) starting parallel lapw1 at Wed Sep 23

23:39:26 EDT 2009

->  starting parallel LAPW1 jobs at Wed Sep 23 23:39:26 EDT 2009

running LAPW1 in parallel mode (using .machines)

1 number_of_parallel_jobs

     n107 n107 n107 n107 n107 n107 n107 n107 n109 n109 n109 n109 n109 n109

n109 n109 n110 n110 n110 n110 n110

n110 n110 n110(5) command: n107 cd /parallel/30109udo/mag;time /opt/mvapich/intel_ud/bin/mpirun 

-np 24 -machin efile .machine1 /home/wien2k_09_ib//lapw1c_mpi uplapw1_1.def;rm -f.lock_n1071

rh: n107

cmd: cd /parallel/30109udo/mag;time /opt/mvapich/intel_ud/bin/mpirun -np 24 -machinefile .machine1 

/home/wien2 k_09_ib//lapw1c_mpi uplapw1_1.def;rm -f .lock_n1071 /opt/SGE/bin/lx24-amd64/qrsh -V 

-inherit n107 cd /parallel/30109udo/mag;time /opt/mvapich/intel_ud/bin/mpirun -np 24 -machinefile 

.machine1 /home/wien2k_09_ib//lapw1c_mpi uplapw1_1.def;rm -f .lock_n1071

**  LAPW1 crashed!

0.084u 0.152s 0:07.48 3.0%      0+0k 0+0io 12pf+0w

error: command   /home/wien2k_09_ib/lapw1cpara -up -c uplapw1.def   failed


>   stop error




>>> If we change  in BLACS configuration  line:

      TRANSCOMM = -DUseMpich -DPOINTER_64_BITS=1  


      TRANSCOMM = -DUseMpich 


it compiles and kind of works but it can crash usually after the first iteration 

given in vector files and in output2 files " NaN " which then causes LAPW2 to fail.


For example for Inifiniband version output looks like this:



forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source


lapw1c_mpi         000000000097ADB8  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lapw1c_mpi         00000000009793FD  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lapw1c_mpi         00000000004A8EE3  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lapw1c_mpi         00000000004E811C  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lapw1c_mpi         00000000004C31B2  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lapw1c_mpi         0000000000475538  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lapw1c_mpi         000000000048F18D  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lapw1c_mpi         00000000004549CC  seclr4_                   280


lapw1c_mpi         0000000000416BD0  calkpt_                   200


lapw1c_mpi         000000000043C77D  MAIN__                     60


lapw1c_mpi         000000000040F0CA  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

libc.so.6          00002AFA1178FAE4  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lapw1c_mpi         000000000040F015  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown


2) similar story we got with intel 10.1 compiles + MKL 10.2 + MKL 10.2 blacs and scalalapack + mpich1.


We need to mention that for smaller cases (a few atoms) with inversion symmetry (REAL)

lapw1_mpi worked.


yesterday we found this link where similar problem mentioned and it was claimed a MPICH1  bug 

which could be to a certain extend patched but ...


(item Known issues).



S U M M A R Y :


what kind of compilation options we should use to work with such a big systems.

And will it be possible to use Gigabit for such a computation or is Infiniband mandatory?

What is hardware requirements for system having like 200-500 atoms?


We summarize the options for our Wien2K related compilations:


1) Gigabit compilation:

COMPILER :/opt/intel/fce/10.1/bin/ifort


COMPILERP: /opt/mpich-1.2.6-intel-10.1/bin/mpif90


FOPT:-FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -align -DINTEL_VML -traceback


LDFLAGS:$(FOPT) -L/opt/intel/mkl/10.0/lib/em64t -lpthread -i-static 


R_LIBS:-L/opt/intel/mkl/10.0/lib/em64t/ -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread 

-lmkl_em64t -lguide -lmkl_core -lpthread 

RP_LIBS:-L/opt/intel/mkl/10.0/lib/em64t/ -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_blacs_lp64 

-lmkl_sequential $(R_LIBS) -L /home/lib64/fftw/lib/ -lfftw_mpi -lfftw 

MPIRUN:/opt/mpich-1.2.6-intel-10.1/bin/mpirun -np _NP_ -machinefile _HOSTS_ _EXEC_



2) Infiniband compilation


COMPILER   :/opt/intel/fce/9.1/bin/ifort


COMPILERP : /opt/mvapich/intel_ud/bin/mpif90


FOPT:-FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback current:FPOPT:-FR 

-mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback

LDFLAGS:$(FOPT) -L/opt/intel/mkl/9.0/lib/em64t -lpthread current:DPARALLEL:'-DParallel'

R_LIBS:-L/opt/intel/mkl/9.0/lib/em64t -lmkl_lapack64 -lmkl_em64t -lguide -lvml -pthread 

RP_LIBS:-L/home/lib64/ib/SCALAPACK -lscalapack /home/lib64/ib/BLACS/LIB/blacsCinit_MPI-LINUX-0.a

/home/lib64/ib/BLACS/LIB/blacsF77init_MPI-LINUX-0.a /home/lib64/ib/BLACS/LIB/blacs_MPI-LINUX-0.a 

$(R_LIBS) -L/home/lib64/ib/fftw/lib -lfftw3 -lfftw_mpi -lfftw -lm -i-static MPIRUN:/opt/mvapich/intel_ud/bin/mpirun -np _NP_ -machinefile _HOSTS_ _EXEC_











   MPIdir =   /opt/mvapich/intel_ud

   MPILIBdir = $(MPIdir)/lib/

   MPIINCdir = $(MPIdir)/include

   MPILIB = $(MPILIBdir)/libmpich.a


   INTFACE = -DAdd_



   F77            = ifort


   F77FLAGS       = $(F77NO_OPTFLAGS) -O

   F77LOADER      = $(F77)

   F77LOADFLAGS   = 

   CC            = gcc

   CCFLAGS        = -O4

   CCLOADER       = $(CC)






SHELL         = /bin/sh

home          = /home/lib64/ib/SCALAPACK


PLAT          = LINUX


BLACSdir      = /home/lib64/ib/BLACS/LIB


USEMPI        = -DUsingMpiBlacs

SMPLIB        = /opt/mvapich/intel_ud/lib/libmpich.a

BLACSFINIT    = $(BLACSdir)/blacsF77init_MPI-LINUX-0.a

BLACSCINIT    = $(BLACSdir)/blacsCinit_MPI-LINUX-0.a

BLACSLIB      = $(BLACSdir)/blacs_MPI-LINUX-0.a

TESTINGdir    = $(home)/TESTING


F77           = /opt/mvapich/intel_ud/bin/mpif90

CC            = /opt/mvapich/intel_ud/bin/mpicc

F77FLAGS      = -O3 $(NOOPT)

CCFLAGS       = -O3

SRCFLAG       =

F77LOADER     = $(F77)

CCLOADER      = $(CC)



CDEFS         = -DAdd_ -DNO_IEEE $(USEMPI)

ARCH          = ar

ARCHFLAGS     = cr

RANLIB        = ranlib

SCALAPACKLIB  = $(home)/libscalapack.a

LAPACKLIB     =  -L/opt/intel/mkl/9.0/lib/em64t/ -lmkl_lapack64 -lmkl_em64t

-lguide -lvml -pthread  


Please help us!

Thank you very much for any suggestion, tip or anything what can help us to resolve this issue.


Kyoo and Viktor.

Department of Physics.






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