[Wien] Error in parallel execution

Marcos Veríssimo Alves marcos.verissimo.alves at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 11:12:50 CEST 2010

Hi all,

I am experiencing a problem in the execution in parallel over k-points.

I have compiled the code successfully in a cluster running Debian Linux and
with SGEEE as the queue system using ssh as the means to launch the
instances on the remote nodes, with /bin/bash as the shell. My script
successfully creates a .machines file and when I run runsp_lapw -p -NI -cc
0.0001, the process dies. This is because, for some reason, lapw1para is not
being able to write to the up(dn)lapw1_*.error files:

forrtl: severe (47): write to READONLY file, unit 99, file /afs/

And the same happens to the dnlapw1_*.error files.

lapw0, on the other hand, runs fine. I have set up parallel execution
successfully on my dual-core desktop using ssh, using pretty much the same
stuff, and it runs perfectly well.

Now, I have changed the write permissions of the directory (and all the
files) with chmod -R ugo+rw /afs/atc.unican.es/u..., but to no avail. Has
anyone experienced any problem like this before? Could there be any known
(but obscure) reason why lapw1para would not be able to write to its files,
but lapw0para would?

Best regards,

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