[Wien] Overlapping spheres error

Zhiyong Zhang zyzhang at stanford.edu
Mon Mar 15 20:07:55 CET 2010

Dear All, 

I am running a calculation for Bi2Se3 and got the overlapping sphere error. By default, the StructGen set all the RMT to 2.09, for both Bi and Se. The RMT of Bi resulted in leaking core electrons of ca. 0.023 and I got a warning message. I then increased the RMT for Bi to 2.3 to get rid of the leaking core electrons. 

When I run the lapw0 I got the following error, since the sum of the RMT is greater then the nearest neigbors. 

How should I fix this problem? Do I need to try and test differetn values for the RMT for the individual atoms until I satisfy the requirements? Are there a utility program in wien-2k that allows automatic adjustment of the RMT parameters? 

Thanks a lot!

 'NN' - overlapping spheres
 'NN' - RMT( 9)=2.09000 AND RMT(15)=2.30000                                
 'NN' - SUMS TO 4.39000 GT NNN-DIST= 4.34299  

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