[Wien] DOS

Lukasz Plucinski pluto at physics.ucdavis.edu
Fri Dec 9 10:14:02 CET 2011

  Hello Wien2k users,

Orbital-projected DOS is stored in the files case.dos1, case.dos2... and 
in case.dos1eV, case.dos2eV...

Are the values in these files absolute ? For example if I calculate 
several cases with various settings (simple, spin-polarized, -orb, 
spin-orbit etc) can the values from the these files be compared in 
various cases ?

Also how is it if I calculate different materials ?
Are values scaled automatically to the number of k-points used ?

I believe that WIEN2k is doing all this for me automatically, I will 
also makes some tests, but some confirmation info would help.


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