[Wien] difference in forces from mini and scf calculations

Md. Fhokrul Islam fislam at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 22 03:40:06 CEST 2011

Hi Prof Blaha,

    I optimized a slab using mini and it worked fine (forces on atoms were reasonably small) . 
But when I used the optimized structure from mini calculations and run scf calculations (with 
energy and charge convergence) the forces on atoms increases even after energy is converged. 
So my questions are:

1. why forces increases even though I am using exactly the same structure from mini calculations?

2. how does it effect the calculated properties such as DOS, magnetic moments? I mean should I
    trust these numbers that I have calculated from scf calculations?

I have tried looking for the answer in the mailing list but unfortunately I couldn't find one. I would
appreciate any comment from you.


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