[Wien] I still have problem with wienk in parallel mode

Gavin Abo gsabo at crimson.ua.edu
Mon Jan 2 22:13:38 CET 2012

Maybe not a solution, but just a thought.

Regarding error message:

time mpirun -np 4 -machinefile .machine: Name or service not known

It starts out with the command "time".  I wonder if all Linux operating 
system have "time" as a core installed command or if it is a package 
that usually has to be installed.  Probably a good idea to check it 
exists on the system.

Kind Regards,


On 1/2/2012 2:28 PM, Laurence Marks wrote:
> N.B., do "man mpirun" and check if "-v" is there -- it is for me but
> it might not be for you.
> On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Peter Blaha
> <pblaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.at>  wrote:
>>> model name      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X3430  @ 2.40GHz
>>> stepping        : 5
>>> cpu MHz         : 1197.000
>> Are you running at half speed ???
>> At least on my machines it would indicate the expected cpu MHz of 2400
>>>     d) Do "cd $WIENROOT ; cp lapw1para lapw1para_hold" then edit lapw1para
>>>     and change the first line to "#!/bin/csh -xf" . This will give you
>>>     masses of output, and may show an error. If nothing else it will show
>>>     a command such as "mpirun ..." You can then paste this particular
>>>     command and run it at the terminal to get more information.
>>> I did. I dont got any error. but an strange message:
>>> ----------------------------------------------------it is a long message.
>>> I have the message in a file---------------------------
>>> sleep 1
>>> Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
>>> ssh: cd /home/nilton/pesquisa/dftCalc/calWien/gaxtl1-xas/075/case;time
>>> mpirun -np 4 -machinefile .machine: Name or service not known
>>> end
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> It seems that are looking for .machine file. but It dont exist. I can
>>> paste this command because it dont have the exec. file
>> In principle this message should give you some clues.
>> The mpirun command you listed is incomplete and wrong. You said you have:
>> setenv WIEN_MPIRUN "mpirun -v -np _NP_ -machinefile _HOSTS_ _EXEC_"
>> I think  the "-v" is wrong ??
>> Try:
>> cd /home/nilton/pesquisa/dftCalc/calWien/gaxtl1-xas/075/case
>> which mpirun
>> ls -las lapw1*.def   (you should have lapw1_1.def (and also _2,_3)
>> ls -als .machine*
>>    you should have a file .machine1   and the content should be 4 lines with
>> the corresponding hostnames
>> If you have it, try
>> mpirun -np 4 -machinefile .machine1 lapw1_mpi lapw1_1.def
>> --
>> -----------------------------------------
>> Peter Blaha
>> Inst. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna
>> Getreidemarkt 9, A-1060 Vienna, Austria
>> Tel: +43-1-5880115671
>> Fax: +43-1-5880115698
>> email: pblaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.at
>> -----------------------------------------
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