[Wien] treshold in rstruc.f
Stefaan Cottenier
Stefaan.Cottenier at UGent.be
Wed Apr 3 22:01:13 CEST 2013
> FYI, probably you have to slightly adjust the atomic position of Si8
> (not 7).
> You might know a better correction for the position, but it seems to
> pass 'x symmetry' after slightly changing z=0.06274433 to z=0.06274333
> (last 4 changed to 3).
If that works, it's probably just by chance. Si8 is a 12i position in
space group 166, with x, y and z all undetermined. Small (yet
consistent) changes in z to all 12 Si8 atoms should not make any
qualitative difference.
I suspect the reason for the failed test is just accumulation of
rounding errors (whence why adjusting the treshold should be fine). By
slightly changing some of the coordinates, a particular rounding error
could be avoided. But there is no (symmetry) reason why these changed
positions should be any better than the original ones.
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