[Wien] (no subject)

ahmed amine ahmedamine_dz at hotmail.fr
Wed Dec 4 20:39:05 CET 2013

hello dear users

i'm using WIEN2k 13 with opensuse 12.3
i have a problem, firefox can not open w2web
don't recognize my w2web server
so i try to re install w2web hello dear users

i'm using WIEN2k 13 with opensuse 12.3
i have a problem, firefox can not open w2web
don't recognize my w2web server
so i try to re install w2web using  

linux-9nov:~ # rm -r ~/.w2web          

linux-9nov:~ # w2web                   


# w2web starter                        

# Copyright (C) 2001 luitz.at          


hostname: Name or service not known    

w2web installer on host linux-9nov.site



# w2web installer                      

# Copyright (C) 2001 luitz.at          


Checking for Installation in

Creating /root/.w2web
Creating /root/.w2web/linux-9nov.site
conf directory does not exist -
creating it.
logs directory does not exist -
creating it.
sessions directory does not exist -
creating it.
tmp directory does not exist - creating

Installing w2web files ... 

Please answer these questions for
proper installaltion. 

Just press enter for the default value
of (in brackets).

Please enter the username: [admin]     

Please enter the password: [password] 

Remember these. You will need them when
you log in.

Select the port to run on: [7890] 7889
Running on port 7889

Please enter this system's hostname:

Using linux-9nov.site

Is this your master node?: [y] y
Installing... Attempting to start

Trying to start
hostname: Name or service not known
w2web server started, now point your
web browser to

linux-9nov:~ # 
i found the same thing            
Firefox can't find the server at www.linux-9nov.site.
what to do now ?
thank you in advance


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