[Wien] About structure on xcrysden

delamora delamora at unam.mx
Sun Jun 1 13:53:27 CEST 2014

The Li crystal has no bonds because the atoms are quite far, while in Fe the bonds are much stronger and the distances are quite close. In graphite the inlayer bonds are quite short, while between layers it is quite large, too large.

De: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at <wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at> en nombre de Brahim ABRAIME <b.abraime at gmail.com>
Enviado: viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014 05:18 p.m.
Para: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Asunto: Re: [Wien] About structure on xcrysden

So,nothing to worry about,it is normal and no problem with my work?

2014-05-30 23:09 GMT+01:00 Oleg Rubel <orubel at lakeheadu.ca<mailto:orubel at lakeheadu.ca>>:

Sometimes it happens. In xcrysden go to Modify > Atomic radius
There it is possible to set the chemical connectivity factor for individual atoms.


On May 30, 2014 5:25 PM, "Brahim ABRAIME" <b.abraime at gmail.com<mailto:b.abraime at gmail.com>> wrote:
Dears users and developers,

Is it normal that there is no bonds between atoms on the lattice structure viewed with XCRYSDEN??

Thank you


Master Physique Informatique
Faculté des sciences Rabat-Agdal
Université Mohamed V-Agdal

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Master Physique Informatique
Faculté des sciences Rabat-Agdal
Université Mohamed V-Agdal
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